Note: Some of the project are best viewed in a Desktop or Computer. Thank you
Java Projects
Blood Bank Management System
Simple JSP action tag project
Simple JSP and Java Servlet using MVC model 2
Simple JSP and Java Servlet using MVC model 2 with JDBC
Simple Java EE project using Struts 2 and Hibernate Framework
Phone Pirates Ecommerce website
Android Projects
Task Manager Mobile Application
Yorme Game Changer Utility Mobile App
Fall Detector Mobile Application
UNITY 3D and 2D Projects
My 2D Side Scrolling game
Infinite Runner
Simple space shooter game
Meme Generator
A simple website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make meme by uploading a photo and it will put a word that that the user inputted in the meme text textbox
simple TODO list
A simple website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make a todo list
The Alakshop
An E-commerce website created using PHP with mySql Database created by me and my groupmates as a project for our subject webprog2
Shoe Mart Ecommerce
An E-commerce website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript that offers shoes
Simple Movie store
A simple E-commerce website using HTML, CSS and JavaScript that sells movies
to test login using username: dulos and leave the password blank
Simple Movie store
A simple E-commerce website that I created as a school project using HTML, CSS and JavaScript that offers coffee, tea and fruit shakes
Blood Bank Management System
A mini thesis that me and my group made for during my 2nd Year in iAcademy about a Management system to organize blood bank storages
Simple JSP action tag project
A simple Java EE website using JSP action tag to make a simple form and display results
Simple JSP and Java Servlet using MVC model 2
A simple Java EE web applicationn that uses somple JSP and mix with Java Servket using MVC model 2
Simple JSP and Java Servlet using MVC model 2 with JDBC
A simple Java EE web application that uses JSP and Java Servlet with JDBC database for saving its data
Simple Java EE project using Struts 2 and Hibernate Framework
A simple Java EE project that uses Struts 2 and hibernate Framework
Phone Pirates E-commerce website
A Java EE E-commerce website made using struts 2 framework made by Me and James Liam De Jesus. We also designed the web application that follows the GOF design patterns
Task Manager App
Task Manager App
An Android mobile application that I made as a project in collaboration with James Liam De Jesus where we demonstrated on how to get data from an API and displaying data using a recyclerview
Yorme-Game Changer Utility Mobile App
Yorme-Game Changer Utility Mobile App
An Android mobile application project that I made with my friend Altheo Saquilayan for our subject MOBCOM using the lesson that we have learned for the whole semester
Fall Detector Mobile Application
Fall Detector Mobile Application
An Android mobile application integrated with Arduino project proposed by me and my team as our thesis project.
My 2D Side Scrolling game
Pacman Adventure Game
A personal project of mine that I did to test out Unity 2D and how to do create simple 2d game in Unity
A 3D game project that I made for my Unity 3D class which uses a lot of 3D components in a game. And I got the inspiration from the game slender man and copied the gamestyle from it.
Infinite Runner
Infinite Runner
A simple personal 3D game project that I made in Unity to apply the lesson that I learned in my Unity class.
Simple space shooter game
Simple space shooter game
A simple 3D project that I made to test raycasting and other elements in unity 3D to create a 3D shooting game